Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Youth Wasted

So much time is wasted in our youth being angry and making hasty decisions out of anger. If you have unresolved arguments..resolve them..now. You never want the last thing you hear from a dear friend to be "fine I guess I'll never see you again" only to attend their funeral in 12 years time knowing the truth behind those harsh words. You never want to attend said funeral and have to explain to people that should know you, who you are and why you matter, because a long time ago you were angry and you were scared and you left and you didn't ask for help or guidance or counselling. Life gets dark and black and when you are young, the pain of relationships ending  seems to be ten fold. Your friends will  re write your social history with rose tinted glasses and make themselves out to be the heroes. So what do you do? You continue to keep in touch. You send birthday cards and letters and pictures. You remind the people that you love that you do have a pulse and you do have worth and you do matter and you go on and you live your life and you forget the people that dragged you down. Right, got that? Write it down. You were never fat, your skin was fine. You were/are funny, beautiful, talented and full of love. If they missed that, screw them. If you missed that, get it back. It's worth everything.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one. As you get older, you realize that so many of the things we do in anger can't be undone. I had to learn that the hard way by damaging important relationships by acting impulsively out of anger.
