Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Life Changing Decisions

Heres what I know we all have to make our own mistakes. No matter what anyone says that fact will not change. What makes a difference is what you do with it. You can spend your life saying I am a victim because it was someone elses fault that I chose the route I took or you can own it, learn from it and grow from it. I was a very young mother and many people looked at me and said I ruined my life. But let me tell you something yes it was hard and I made a lot of mistakes. I gave up my youth, I gave up proms and dances and high school graduation. But what I gained was a love so unconditional and heart that grew leaps and bounds because it focused on a child who needed and loved me. I'm not saying that every teenager should go out and have a baby but what I am saying is that if you have already done that learn and grow from it because ultimatly at this point that is the best thing you can do for both of you. There are very few mistakes but many oppurtunity's for growth.

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